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Cordless Phones and EMF Radiation

Cordless Phone Radiation

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Not very many people own a landline these days, but the ones that do are partial to cordless phones. These devices are inexpensive and quite convenient, which makes them a sought-after choice. There are plenty of warnings out there about the radiation that is emitted from cell phones, but for some reason, cordless phones don’t get the same attention.

While cell phones remain a big emitter of EMF radiation, a significant amount of radiation is emitted from cordless phones, too.

Some have purchased home phones hoping to reduce their exposure to the cell phone radiation, however, depending on the type of cordless phone you choose, it may not always be the best option.
In this article we will discuss the risks of cordless phones and the ways you can reduce your exposure to the cordless phone radiation.

Cordless Phones and Radiation

A cordless phone’s handset transmits data to a base station and back on an ongoing basis. Anytime you speak to someone over the phone, the transmission must firstly go through a base station. When the base station is in a standby mode, it can also send a signal to the handset in order to register it.
This engagement between the receiver and base station is what stimulates most of the radiation emitted by the cordless phone. And when you are on the phone having a conversation, that radio frequency gets transmitted near your brain (and potentially right through it).

Being around radiation produces a toxic atmosphere for your household and even your neighbors. Radiation can transmit through long distances and can even penetrate walls.

Exposure Risks

Several risks come with exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from a cordless phone.
While we mostly associate the risks of EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation with mobile devices, a 2006 study revealed that both cell phones and cordless phones emit alarming EMF radiation levels. Both of them increased brain cancer risk for people.

Several studies have made a connection between glioma – a common type of brain cancer – and EMF radiation. A study in Sweden revealed that cell phone usage over the long-term increased the risk of glioma development, among other types of brain cancers. Likewise, high EMF radiation levels are emitted by cordless phones when that is especially dangerous when they in close proximity to your head.

Besides the increased brain cancer risks, cordless phones increase overall EMF levels throughout your whole household. When those levels are high, people who are more sensitive to EMF might experience various symptoms (dizziness, headache, insomnia, nausea and depression are just some of them). High-level exposure for a prolonged amount of time has been linked to childhood and adult leukemia, as well as heart disease and tumors. High exposure levels might also cause sperm potency and motility issues, resulting in fertility problems. This can derail plans for couples attempting to conceive.

To understand the exposure level to your cordless phone radiation, so that you can have a clearer picture of the danger this ’benign’ device on that kitchen bench produces, you can use an EMF meter to measure EMF radiation emitted by it. Also, going beyond the cordless phone, it’s important to measure the overall EMF radiation levels in your house so that reasonable steps can be taken to manage it to protect your and your family’s wellbeing.

How to Reduce EMF Exposure from Your Cordless Phone

Best option to cordless phone? You’ve got it! A corded phone.

Before cordless phones became prevalent, standard telephones were the norm. A cord went from a base station to the handset. The station’s telephone cable – embedded into a wall – was to a telephone. This grounded the phone. Data transmissions went through either an ethernet cable or telephone wire. The amount of EMF radiation involved with this process was pretty much zero.

And yes, you can still buy a corded phone. Places like Amazon is one of the marketplaces where you can find one.

If a corded phone is a no go, then analog wireless phones is your best bet. Also known as “low EMF” or ”ECO-DECT”, they function at a lower frequency and don’t transmit a pulsed signal.

Cordless Phones with Eco-Mode

These phones come with various mode settings, allowing you to minimize EMF transmissions. Typically, it doesn’t have an automatic DECT low radiation mode on, though. You’ll need to adjust the device manually if you want the phone to be in eco-mode.

The ECO DECT models produced today are not all low radiation devices. Do the research before purchasing a low radiation cordless phone.

Note that eco mode phones still emit some level of radiation, however it can be significantly lower than the tradition cordless phones.

There are several cordless phones out there that minimize the quantity of radiation you are exposed to. For example, Gigaset phones produce low EMF radiation levels in standby mode. You still face cordless phone radiation exposure when using it, but wired headsets can minimize such exposure.

Gigaset Eco-Mode Cordless Phones

Cordless Gigaset phones have their own ECO DECT mode built into them. This minimizes the radiation amount the receiver produces because in ECO DECT mode the phone reduces its transmitting power or, in the case of ECO DECT Plus range, it goes into standby mode when it’s not in use. The signal is only transmitted by the base station when calls are received, and receiver only sends out signals when calls are made. If an ongoing connection between a base station and handset isn’t required, the quantity of radiation generated by the phone will be drastically reduced.

In comparison to standard phones without the eco mode feature, ECO DECT range claims the reduction in the power consumption by staggering 60% and radiation levels by up to 80%. That however requires the handset being positioned on the base station.

Gigaset’s ECO Mode Plus range phones, such as Gigaset A420 and A420A, on the other hand turn off the transmitting power when the phone is in standby and therefore are claimed to be radiation free.
From the environmental perspective, the company is also very proud for its environmentally conscious culture. The entire manufacturing and supply chain from products to logistics is built on environmentally responsible and resource-conserving principles.

When it comes to Gigaset products, the biggest downside is that they’re not so easy to find. Cordless phones are in the process of being phased out of the mainstream. Therefore, if you find one at a reasonable price, buy them in bulk.

Other tips for reducing exposure

Other ways in which you can minimize EMF radiation exposure from a cordless phone include:

  • Using a speakerphone

This will create a bit of space between the radiation source and your body. You can also use wired headsets that connect directly to a phone – this will create a safe distance between the phone and your head. Wired headsets are what you should be looking for, as opposed to Bluetooth. Bluetooth headsets give off their own form of EMF radiation.

Headsets, such as Arama Cell Phone Headset, for example, are compatible with most cordless phones (even smartphones) with a standard headphone jack. The headphones come with an acoustic shock protection to protect your hearing and even has a built-in noise canceling feature in the microphone that blocks background noise.

  • Creating some distance from the base station of a cordless phone

The cordless phone should not be placed in areas you spent a lot of time in. Most people keep their base stations next to the bed, sofas, or on a table/stand of some sort. Keep an 8-foot distance between you and the handset, as well as your base station, and particularly away from your bedroom.

  • Limiting the length of the call

If you can of course..

  • Unplugging your phone

Another option, although not the most feasible one for some, is unplugging your phone completely. By unplugging your phone when it’s not in use and if it’s feasible to do so, will dramatically lower the EMF exposure from the device and reduce EMF levels overall. This is of course is not helpful for receiving incoming calls, thus you may want to only do this at night or if you don’t use your cordless phone at all.

Final Thoughts

EMF radiation that is emitted by a cordless phone is something you need to be mindful of. Many contemporary cordless phones continuously emit EMF radiation, so it isn’t very hard to fill up your whole household with it. This puts you and your loved ones at serious risk. Consider ditching your cordless phone altogether and get a wired-up one instead. As inconvenient as they may be, they prioritize your safety.

If cordless phones are a must-have, or if your working environment requires them, do everything that you can in order to reduce your exposure.

By following the simple steps above and making small changes here and there, your exposure to EMF radiation can be significantly reduced.

Ever since I started researching EMF radiation and the associated risks of it, finding the ways of protecting the well-being of my family from the harmful EMF effects became my number one priority. In this blog I wanted to share my research of ever increasing risks of EMF radiation that surrounds us every day and how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. I hope you find the information useful.

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