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Low EMF WiFi Radiation: Find Best WiFi Router Guards

Wifi radiation protection

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Here’s a fact: our bodies are exposed to EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation on a regular basis. You can’t even escape this harmful radiation – it’s even in your own home! EMF radiation is emitted by WiFi signals with often little or no protection (which could potentially be the largest EMF threat of all). It reaches the whole house and is regularly kept “on.” As such, potential exposure to EMF radiation never ends. Therefore seeking protection is vital for ones well-being.

WiFi Radiation: What Is It?

WiFi radiation is an EMF form of radiation known as RF (radiofrequency radiation) emitted by routers to maintain an internet connection.

Exposure to EMF radiation in large doses or on continuous basis, according to scientists, could result in health issues. Some of those issues include insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, heart palpitations, muscle aches, headaches, and many other concerns.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to WiFi radiation. One simple and effective approach is to safeguard yourself with WiFi router radiation guard.

WiFi Router Guards: What Are They?

WiFi router guards come in the shape of a metal mesh box, which essentially serves as your Faraday cage. Simply put the router into the box before closing the cover shut.

The mesh serves as a kind of conductor, confining the spread of radiation to the mesh. In turn, most of the radiation does not reach you. Router guards can reduce (or attenuate) the EMF emission of a WiFi signal by as much as 99%.

Router guards are very effective at reducing EMF. They are recommended for families that have routers in areas they spend the most time in.

Low WiFi EMF Router Guard Choices

There are a number of WiFi radiation protection options at your disposal. Some options are costly, while others are economical. Best of all, you don’t need to be tech-savvy to use any of them!


WiFi Router Guard – the original Faraday cage. Made out of stainless steel mesh, it contains the radiation within the box without affecting the WiFi signal. The manufacturer claims that this product blocks up to 95% of EMF radiation emitted from the router. The cover comes in a standard size of 12 x 9 x 3 inches and will fit most router sizes.

Faraday Defense Router Shield. Faraday cages don’t get any more heavy-duty than this. Dimensions of the interior are 3.5” x 10.25” x 12”, big enough to accommodate most routers. The manufacturer claims this Wi-Fi radiation protection product offers 60 dB signal attenuation, which reduces 99.9% of radiation. This cage is on the pricey side at $190, though.


EMF Radiation Shielding Cover mesh bag is just as effective as the EMF router guards listed above. All you have to do is slip it onto your router. It will fit most routers with its 13.7” x  15.7” dimensions. The cover is made out of  copper-nickel material, and, according to the manufacturer, it offers an attenuation rate of up to 99%. With that said, it also reduces a WiFi signal’s range.

Create an EMF Router Guard of Your Own

If you know a welder or can weld on your own, then you’ll find it quite simple to create an EMF router guard using solder and metal mesh.

Other Ways to Lower Your WiFi EMF Radiation

Router relocation

Relocate the router to an area in your household that is infrequently used. The WiFi radiation you absorb will be minimized the further you are from wherever the router is.

Switch off the Router at Nighttime

You can minimize WiFi radiation risks significantly just by switching off the router before you go to bed. The settings of your router can also be changed so that it shuts off automatically. To find out how, review the instructions or user guide that came with your router.

Each one of these options can relieve you from the onset of WiFi radiation while you’re sleeping. This is a big break considering the amount of EMF radiation you would otherwise absorb all day and night.


For some people, this might end up being a last-ditch effort. Using ethernet to replace a WiFi connection is just as an effective of a solution to reduce EMF radiation.

The Non-Technical Solution

Cover-up the router with a mesh wastebasket flipped upside down. It may not be very attractive, but it’s as cheap as they come. You can also position your wastebasket behind attractive furniture to cover it up.

A final word

Unfortunately, WiFi radiation is inescapable, and most people wouldn’t want to get away from it anyway. Pass time activities like browsing social media, Netflix, video games, and Alexa have become every day life for most of us. The situation isn’t likely to change any time soon, and that’s why it’s more important than ever to safeguard ourselves from the dangers of WiFi radiation emissions.

Regulating the EMF in your home is a proactive choice that will prove beneficial to your health in the long run.

Ever since I started researching EMF radiation and the associated risks of it, finding the ways of protecting the well-being of my family from the harmful EMF effects became my number one priority. In this blog I wanted to share my research of ever increasing risks of EMF radiation that surrounds us every day and how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. I hope you find the information useful.

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